What is The Knowledge Academy?
To empower girls and boys in The Knowledge Academy, a framework outlining a sisterhood/brotherhood paradigm that promotes self-awareness, leadership development, and unity is utilized. The effort to unite girls and boys and form genuine sisterhoods and brotherhoods is an attempt to change how they treat, support, and interact with each other. Teaching girls and boys to learn to love themselves and each other is of paramount importance. This information will be the result of a sound awareness of self and a strong program for leadership development engulfed in culturally relevant, social, and emotional learning. A live abroad experience will help engage students in school and provide rich cultural awareness.
Mission: The mission of the Knowledge Academy is to use our paradigm to unite girls and boys around self-awareness developing them as strong leaders in a culturally relevant environment by providing opportunities for healthy social and emotional development.
Tax ID: 87-0819826
The Knowledge Academy will be a state-funded charter school that allows students in rural areas to live abroad for 2-4 weeks. Students in rural areas, many times, lack exposure and teaching by veteran professionals. It’s difficult to retain teachers in rural schools due to the desire of many professionals desires to live in larger cities. The Knowledge Academy would offer a live abroad experience for students and teachers, exposing students to a culture-rich, field experience while attracting and retaining some of the best teachers in the field. The struggles of rural education go unnoticed many times as opposed to urban education, because of the size, but rural education students suffer in larger propensities. Partnerships and sponsorships are being sought to fund this great experience that will change the trajectory of students' lives, students, who in some cases never travel outside of the county to go as far as Rock Hill, SC.
Corporate Partner: Above $10K
Corporate Sponsor: $5000.00-10,000.00
Platinum Sponsor: $2500.00 - $4999.99
Gold Sponsor: $2000.00 - $2499.99
Silver Sponsor: $1500.00 - $1999.99
Bronze Sponsor: $1000.00 - $1499.99
Partner Sponsor: $500.00 - $999.99
Friend Sponsor: Donations up to $499.00
Corporate partners and sponsors will be listed on all marketing materials, emails, websites, fundraising events, advertising materials etc. at the level of the sponsorship. Thank you in advance for your consideration.